Generators in Python

Generator Function: In Python, a generator is a function that allows you to create an iterator, an object that generates…

2 years ago

yield Keyword in Python

The yield keyword in Python is used in the body of a function like a return statement, but when a…

2 years ago

Iterable and Iterator in Python

What is an Iterable? In Python, an iterable is an object that can be looped over, such as a list,…

2 years ago

Python __name__ Variable

Because Python lacks a main() function, when the command to run a Python program is given to the interpreter, the…

2 years ago

Barrier Object in Python

Barrier object in Python is used to synchronize the execution of multiple threads. When a thread reaches a barrier point,…

2 years ago

Condition object in Python

A Condition object in Python is a synchronization object that allows multiple threads to wait for a specific condition to…

2 years ago

Timer Objects in Python

Timer objects are used to schedule a function to be executed at a certain time in the future. The timer…

2 years ago

Event Object in Python

What is an Event Object? An Event object in Python is a class that is used to signal the occurrence…

2 years ago

RLock Object in Python

RLock (re-entrant lock) is a type of lock that allows the holder of the lock to acquire it multiple times…

2 years ago

Lock Object in Python

What is a Lock Object? In Python, a threading.Lock object is used to synchronize the execution of threads. It can…

2 years ago