Math Functions in Python

Python allows us to perform a variety of mathematical operations with ease by importing a module called "math," which is…

2 years ago

Python Mathematical Operators

Mathematical Operators: Mathematical Operators are used in mathematics to perform operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Python has…

2 years ago

Python Syntax Rules & Hello World Program

Python Syntax Rules: Here are a few things you should know beforehand: Python is case-sensitive, which means, for example, Name and name have different…

2 years ago

Swap Two Numbers Without Using Third Variable

By using the + and - operators, we can swap two numbers without using a third variable. Main logic: //Logic…

2 years ago

Check for palindrome number

A palindrome number is a number that remains the same when digits are reversed. For example, the number 125521 is a palindrome…

2 years ago

Find Max Number Among the Given Three Number Using If/Else Statements

n1 is compared to n2. If n1 is larger than n2, it is compared to n3. If it is greater than n3…

2 years ago

Check for Prime number

A prime number is greater than one and can be divided by one or itself. In other words, prime numbers…

2 years ago

Python 2 vs. Python 3

Python is one of the programming languages that has boosted the world of technology to new heights. Python 2 and…

2 years ago

Introduction to Python IDLE

What is Python IDLE? Python IDLE is an acronym that stands for Integrated Development and Learning Environment. is a very…

2 years ago

Diamond Pattern Using Numbers

Program code: #include<iostream> using namespace std; void display(int n) { int space = n / 2, num= 1; for (int…

2 years ago