Operator Overloading in C++

What is Operator Overloading? Operator overloading is a compile-time polymorphism in which the operator is overloaded to provide the user-defined…

2 years ago

Virtual Destructors in C++

What is a Virtual Destructor? Deleting a derived class object with a non-virtual destructor using a pointer of the base…

2 years ago

Pure Virtual Functions and Abstract Classes

What are Pure Virtual Functions? A pure virtual function is a virtual function in C++ that does not require any…

2 years ago

Virtual Functions in C++

A virtual function is a member function declared in a base class that is re-defined (overridden) by a derived class.…

2 years ago

Method Overriding(Polymorphism)

What is Polymorphism? The term "polymorphism" refers to having multiple forms. Polymorphism is defined as the ability of a message…

2 years ago

Upcasting in C++

Upcasting is the process of creating the derived class's pointer or reference from the base class's pointer or reference. It…

2 years ago

Order of Constructor Call in C++

If we inherit a class from another class and create an object of the derived class, it is obvious that…

2 years ago

Types of Inheritance in C++

There are 5 types of Inheritance in C++: Single inheritanceMultiple inheritanceHierarchical inheritanceMultilevel inheritanceHybrid inheritance Single Inheritance: A class derives from…

2 years ago

Inheritance in C++

Inheritance refers to a class's ability to derive properties and characteristics from another class. One of the most important aspects…

2 years ago

Class Members Pointers in C++

A pointer to a C++ class is created in the same way that a pointer to a structure is created,…

2 years ago