Accessing data members

Members of a class can be accessed directly within the class by using their names. Accessing a member outside the…

2 years ago

Access Modifiers in C++

Access modifiers, also known as Access specifiers, are used to implement Data Hiding, an essential aspect of Object-Oriented Programming. Data…

2 years ago

Classes and Objects in C++

The fundamental idea that the object-oriented approach revolves around in C++ is the concept of classes and objects. It increases…

2 years ago

Functions in C++

What are functions? A function is a collection of statements that accept input, perform some specific computation, and return output.…

2 years ago

Storage classes in C++

Storage classes in C++ are type specifiers that aid in defining the lifetime and visibility of variables and functions within…

2 years ago

Jump Statement in C++

When encountered, jump statements are used to shift program control from one part of the program to any other part…

2 years ago

Loops in C++

In C++ programming language, the repetitive operation is done through loop control instruction. There are three methods by which we…

2 years ago

Decision-Making in C++

In real life, we face situations where we must make decisions and decide what to do next. Similarly, the programmer…

2 years ago

C++ sizeof() and typedef Operator

sizeof(): The sizeof keyword is a compile-time unary operator that determines the size of a variable or data type in bytes.…

2 years ago

Operators in C++

An operator is a symbol that instructs the compiler to perform particular mathematical or logical operations. C++ has a wide…

2 years ago