Miscellaneous Program(reverse the case of input string)

A program to reverse the case of input characters is provided below. islower() is a system-defined function in the ctype.h…

3 years ago

Miscellaneous Program(Palindrome Number)

A palindrome is a sequence that, when reversed, looks exactly like the original. For example, abba, level, 232, and so…

3 years ago

Command Line Argument

When your C programs are run, you can pass some values from the command line to them. These values are…

3 years ago

Dynamic Memory Allocation

In the C programming language, the concept of dynamic memory allocation allows the programmer to allocate memory at runtime. Four…

3 years ago

Error Handling in C

The response and recovery procedures from error conditions present in a software application are referred to as error handling. C…

3 years ago

File handling in C

File handling in C allows us to use our C program to create, update, read, and delete files stored on…

3 years ago

Pointers with function in c

We can create a pointer pointing to a function in the same way that we can create a pointer of…

3 years ago

Pointer operations

Just like any other data type, we can perform various arithmetic operations on pointers. All pointers int, float, long, and…

3 years ago

Pointer to Pointer in C

A pointer variable stores the address of another pointer variable; this is referred to as a pointer to a pointer…

3 years ago

Pointer to structure

The structure pointer points to the memory block address where the Structure is stored. It's used to make complex data…

3 years ago