Arrays in the C language are a set of homogenous data types stored at the contiguous memory location. We can define one array variable to describe individual variables rather than specifying separate variables. An index lets you access a distinct element in an array. Structure…
To determine whether an integer number is even or odd, utilize functions. We have created a function even_odd(int n) with…
In the C programming language, a function may call itself. A function is called recursive if a statement within the…
There are two ways to pass the data into the function in C language: method :call by value method :call by…
The functions that we use need to be flexible, i.e, they should be able to pass values among other functions.…
A computer program cannot handle all the tasks by itself, instead, it requests other programs like entities called, functions in…
In some programming cases, we want to take control to the start of the loop, skipping the statements inside the…
Here are a few examples of the do-while loop. Printing table of a number using do-while: #include<stdio.h> int main(){ int…
The do-while loop in c in an exit controlled loop unlike the for and the while loop the condition is…
Let us look at various examples of the while loop in c. Printing n numbers: #include <stdio.h> int main() {…