Functions in DataWeave 2.0

You can define your own DataWeave functions using the fun declaration in the header of a DataWeave script.

3 years ago

Pattern Matching with Literal Values

A match expression contains a list of case statements that can optionally have an else statement. Each case statement consists…

3 years ago

do statement in flow control (DataWeave 2.0)

A do statement creates a scope in which new variables, functions, annotations, or namespaces can be declared and used.

3 years ago

else if Condition in flow (DataWeave 2.0)

You can chain several else expressions together within an if-else construct by incorporating else if.

3 years ago

if else Condition in Flow Control (DataWeave 2.0)

An if statement evaluates a conditional expression and returns the value under the if only if the conditional expression returns…

3 years ago

Flow Control

Flow control is used when you want to execute certain parts of your code in some situations, while not executing…

3 years ago

Logical Operators

A logical operator is a symbol or word used to connect two or more expressions such that the value of…

3 years ago

Global & Local Variables In DataWeave 2.0

We can create a global variable in the header using var directive. We need to give it a name and…

3 years ago

Variables in DataWeave 2.0 (Mule 4)

Variables are a way to store values with a given name so they can be later reused from different parts…

3 years ago

Error Handling in Mule 4

An exception occurs when an unexpected event happens while processing. Exception (or error) handling is the process of responding to…

3 years ago