Rabecca Fatima

Miscellaneous Program(Matrix multiplication)

A Matrix Multiplication program is provided below. Only when the number of columns in the first matrix equals the number…

3 years ago

Miscellaneous Program(Remove Duplicate Elements)

When an array contains the same number of elements in both sorted and unsorted order, the elements of the array…

3 years ago

Miscellaneous Program(Reverse an array)

A simple program to reverse an array is provided below. #include<stdio.h> int main() { int c, d, n; printf("\n\nEnter number…

3 years ago

Miscellaneous Program(exponential without using pow() method)

Without using the pow() method, here is a program to find exponential. Long long int is twice as big as…

3 years ago

Miscellaneous Program(Armstrong Number)

An Armstrong number is an n-digit number whose sum of digits raised to the nth power equals the number itself. Take,…

3 years ago

Miscellaneous Program(reverse the case of input string)

A program to reverse the case of input characters is provided below. islower() is a system-defined function in the ctype.h…

3 years ago

Miscellaneous Program(Palindrome Number)

A palindrome is a sequence that, when reversed, looks exactly like the original. For example, abba, level, 232, and so…

3 years ago

Command Line Argument

When your C programs are run, you can pass some values from the command line to them. These values are…

3 years ago

Dynamic Memory Allocation

In the C programming language, the concept of dynamic memory allocation allows the programmer to allocate memory at runtime. Four…

3 years ago

Error Handling in C

The response and recovery procedures from error conditions present in a software application are referred to as error handling. C…

3 years ago