Rabecca Fatima

Jump statements in C

In some programming cases, we want to take control to the start of the loop, skipping the statements inside the…

3 years ago

do-while loop examples

Here are a few examples of the do-while loop. Printing table of a number using do-while: #include<stdio.h> int main(){ int…

3 years ago

do-while loop in c

The do-while loop in c in an exit controlled loop unlike the for and the while loop the condition is…

3 years ago

while loop examples in c

Let us look at various examples of the while loop in c. Printing n numbers: #include <stdio.h> int main() {…

3 years ago

while loop in c

The while loop in c is an entry controlled loop (Entry Controlled Loops are used when checking of a test…

3 years ago

Loops and its examples

Let us take a look at the various ways to use loops in c. Infinite loop An infinite loop in…

3 years ago

Loops in C

The programs that we have created so far were of limited nature, because on execution, they always perform the same…

3 years ago

switch and if-else in C

We had already seen that both if-else and switch in C can be used for decision-making in a program. Let…

3 years ago

switch Statement in C

The switch statement in C provide us with an alternate way to implement the if-else if ladder in a much…

3 years ago

if-else Statement

As we have already seen that the if statement by itself will execute a single statement, or a group of…

3 years ago