Rabecca Fatima

SQL: Group By Clause

The SQL Group By statement is used to organize similar data into groups. The data is further organized using an…

2 years ago


What is the ORDER BY Clause? In the SELECT query, the ORDER BY clause can be used to sort the…

2 years ago

SQL: LIKE clause

In SQL to filter data based on a specific pattern, the LIKE clause is used in the WHERE condition. It…

2 years ago

SQL: WHERE clause

When retrieving data from a single table or by joining data from multiple tables, a condition is specified using the…

2 years ago

DCL Commands: GRANT and REVOKE

What is DCL? Data Control Language is known as DCL in SQL. By creating users and granting or removing privileges…

2 years ago

SQL: TCL Commands

What is TCL? Transactional control commands(TCL) can only be used with DML commands like INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. They cannot…

2 years ago


What is Delete Query? In SQL, the DELETE Query removes existing records from a table. Depending on the condition specified…

2 years ago


What is an UPDATE QUERY? The SQL UPDATE statement is used to modify the data in tables' records. A condition…

2 years ago


Insert is a commonly used command in the Structured Query Language (SQL) data manipulation language (DML) used by SQL Server…

2 years ago

SQL: Truncate, Drop, Rename Query

The various DDL commands that are used to redefine the tables will be covered in this tutorial. Truncate Query: TRUNCATE…

2 years ago