The HAVING clause in SQL Server includes one or more conditions that must be TRUE for groups of records. It's…
The SQL Group By statement is used to organize similar data into groups. The data is further organized using an…
What is the ORDER BY Clause? In the SELECT query, the ORDER BY clause can be used to sort the…
In SQL to filter data based on a specific pattern, the LIKE clause is used in the WHERE condition. It…
When retrieving data from a single table or by joining data from multiple tables, a condition is specified using the…
What is DCL? Data Control Language is known as DCL in SQL. By creating users and granting or removing privileges…
What is TCL? Transactional control commands(TCL) can only be used with DML commands like INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. They cannot…
What is Delete Query? In SQL, the DELETE Query removes existing records from a table. Depending on the condition specified…
What is an UPDATE QUERY? The SQL UPDATE statement is used to modify the data in tables' records. A condition…
Insert is a commonly used command in the Structured Query Language (SQL) data manipulation language (DML) used by SQL Server…