
Interface in Java

In Java, an interface is a blueprint for a class. It has abstract methods and static constants. In Java, the…

3 years ago

Abstract Class & Method in Java

In Java, an abstract class is specified with the abstract keyword. Both abstract and non-abstract methods can be used (method…

3 years ago

Sub packages in Java

The subpackage is a package within a package. It should be developed to further categorize the package.Sub packages are identical…

3 years ago

Packages in Java

In Java, a package is a container for a collection of classes, sub-packages, and interfaces. The package keyword is used to create…

3 years ago

instanceof Operator in Java

The instanceof operator is used to determine whether or not a reference variable contains a specific type of object reference.…

3 years ago

Final keyword in Java

In Java, the final keyword is used to restrict the user. The final keyword in Java can be used in…

3 years ago

Static keyword in Java

In Java, the static keyword is mostly used to control memory. It is also used to share a class's identical…

3 years ago

Garbage Collection in Java

Garbage collection is the method through which Java programs maintain their memory automatically. working: Java programs are compiled into bytecode…

3 years ago

this keyword in Java

this is a Java keyword that refers to the current object of a class. Uses of this keyword: The following…

3 years ago

Difference between method overloading and method overriding

In Java, there are numerous distinctions between method overloading and method overriding. The following is a list of the differences…

3 years ago