
File class in Java

The File class represents a file or directory path name in Java. Because file and directory names differ between platforms, naming them with a simple string is insufficient. The File class is used to create files and directories, search for files, delete files, and so on. Fields of File Class…

3 years ago

Inner class in Java

In Java, an inner class is a class that is declared within another class or interface. To summarize, the same…

3 years ago

Java connectivity to MongoDB database

MongoDB is a no-SQL database that is document-oriented. MongoDB, which was first released in 2009, successfully replaced rows and columns…

3 years ago

Using the Thin Driver to Connect to an Oracle Database

Follow the steps below to connect a Java application to an Oracle database using Thin Driver. Download Oracle JDBC DriverLoad…

3 years ago

Java connect to MySQL database with JDBC

Follow the steps below to connect a Java application to a MySQL database using the JDBC Driver. Download JDBC driver…

3 years ago

Java Database Connectivity

To connect any Java application to a database using JDBC, follow these five steps. These are the steps to take:…

3 years ago

JDBC API(java.sql Package)

The Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API allows Java programmers to access data from any database. You can use the JDBC…

3 years ago

What is JDBC?

JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) is the Java API for connecting to a database, issuing queries and commands, and handling database…

3 years ago

Remote Method Invocation(RMI) in Java

Remote Method Invocation (RMI) is an API that allows an object to call a method on another object in another…

3 years ago

Java.lang.Class class in Java

Java includes a class called Class in the java.lang package. In a running Java application, instances of the class Class…

3 years ago