
Swing Class in Java

Swing is a Java Foundation Classes [JFC] framework and an Abstract Window Toolkit [AWT] extension. Swing has much-improved functionality over…

3 years ago

AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit) in Java- II

Java AWT TextArea: A TextArea class's object is a multiline zone that displays text. It allows you to modify many…

3 years ago

AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit) in Java- I

Graphical User Interface (GUI) programming is supported by the Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT). Java AWT components are platform-dependent, which means…

3 years ago

Event Handling in Java

An event is defined as the act of changing the state of an item or behavior. A button click, cursor…

3 years ago

JApplet class in Applet

JApplet is a public java swing class created for developers often developed in Java. JApplet is usually written in Java…

3 years ago

Graphics in Applet

java.awt.Graphics class in Applet has methods for working with graphics. Methods of the Graphics class: MethodDescription public abstract void drawString(String…

3 years ago

Java Applet

A Java Applet is a sort of software that is embedded in a webpage to generate dynamic content. It operates…

3 years ago

Legacy Classes in Java

What are the Legacy Classes in Java?  Before Java 1.2, there were multiple classes and interfaces to hold the objects.…

3 years ago

Comparator Interface in Java Collection Framework

To sort the objects of user-defined classes, a comparator interface is utilized. A comparator object can compare two items of…

3 years ago

Comparable Interface in Java

The Comparable interface is used to compare an object of the same class with an instance of that class; it also enables data ordering for user-defined class objects. The class has to implement the java.lang.Comparable interface to compare its instance, it provides the compareTo() method, which accepts an object of that class as an argument. Its sorting algorithm is…

3 years ago