Given a target amount n and a list (array) of distinct coin values, what’s the fewest coins needed to make the change amount.
For example:
If n = 10 and coins = [1,5,10]. Then there are 4 possible ways to make change:
With 1 coin being the minimum amount.
Implement your solution below:
def rec_coin(target,coins): min_coins = target if target in coins: return 1 else: for value in [ c for c in coins if c<= target]: num_coins = rec_coin(target-value, coins) + 1 min_coins = min(num_coins, min_coins) return min_coins pass
""" RUN THIS CELL TO TEST YOUR FUNCTION. NOTE: NON-DYNAMIC FUNCTIONS WILL TAKE A LONG TIME TO TEST. """ from import assert_equal class TestCoins(object): def check(self,solution): coins = [1,5,10,25] assert_equal(solution(45,coins),3) assert_equal(solution(23,coins),5) assert_equal(solution(74,coins),8) print ('Passed all tests.') # Run Test test = TestCoins() test.check(rec_coin)
Recommended: Introduction to Recursion
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