DataWeave Format

MIME type: application/dw

ID: dw

The DataWeave (dw) format is the canonical format for all transformations. This format can help you understand how input data is interpreted before it is transformed to a new format.


This format is intended to help you debug the results of DataWeave transformations. It is significantly slower than other formats. It is not recommended to be used in production applications because it can impact the performance.

Example: Express XML in the DataWeave (dw) Format

The following example shows how to transform XML input to the DataWeave (dw) format.


The example uses the following XML snippet as input.












Output: in DataWeave Format


employees: {

employee: {

firstname: “Mariano”,

lastname: “DeAchaval”


employee: {

firstname: “Leandro”,

lastname: “Shokida”



} as Object {encoding: “UTF-8”, mimeType: “text/xml”}

Configuration Properties

DataWeave supports the following configuration properties for this format.

Reader Properties

This format accepts properties that provide instructions for reading input data.

externalResourcesBooleanfalseEnables the readUrl to read external entities.Valid values are true or false.
javaModuleBooleanfalseEnables Java module functions to load.Valid values are true or false.
onlyDataBooleanfalseHandles only data and not other types of content, such as functions, when set to true. The DataWeave parser runs faster in the onlyData mode.Valid values are true or false.
privilegesStringAccepts a comma-separated list of privileges to use in the format, such as ‘Resources,Properties’.

Writer Properties

This format accepts properties that provide instructions for writing output data.

bufferSizeNumber8192Size of the buffer writer.
deferredBooleanfalseGenerates the output as a data stream when set to true, and defers the script’s execution until consumed.Valid values are true or false.
ignoreSchemaBooleanfalseIgnores the schema when set to true.Valid values are true or false.
indentString‘ ‘String to use for indenting.
maxCollectionSizeNumber-1Maximum number of elements allowed in an array or an object. -1 indicates no limitation.
onlyDataBooleantrueHandles only data and not other types of content, such as functions, when set to true. The DataWeave parser runs faster in the onlyData mode.Valid values are true or false.

Supported MIME Types

This format supports the following MIME types.


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