The ER (Entity-Relationship) model is a graphical representation used to design databases. On the other hand, the relational model is a mathematical representation that outlines the connections between database tables. After creating the system’s ER diagram, we must translate it into relational models, which can be instantly implemented by any RDBMS, such as Oracle, MySQL, etc. The steps below can be used to change an ER model into a relational model:
For example in the above given ER diagram a table with name Student will be created in relational model, which will have 3 columns, Stud_id, Studname, Studaddr with Stud_id as the primary key for this table.
For example in the above given ER diagram an additional table will be created for the relationship, StudyIn. This table will hold the primary key for both Student and College, in a tuple to describe the relationship, which student study in College.
Note: proper foreign key constraints must be set for all the tables.
Note: also read about Relational Calculus
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