Categories: Mule 4Mulesoft

For Each Scope In MuleSoft (Mule 4)

The For Each scope splits a payload into elements and processes them one by one through the components that you place in the scope. It is similar to a for-each/for loop code block in most programming languages and can process any collection, including lists and arrays. The collection can be any supported content type, such as application/json, application/java, or application/xml.

Following are some key points regarding For Each scope

  • For non-Java collections, such as XML or JSON, use a DataWeave expression to split data. Use the Collection field for this purpose. If it’s a Java collection then it will split the payload by default.
  • For each work in sequential only. So if there is any error processing any record then it will not process the further records and break the look immediately
  • For Each does not modify the current payload. The original payload is returned after processing is completed.
Create mule application which will the XML collection as payload
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<item itemId="2121" sale="31123">
<item itemId="3202" saleId="11111">
<item itemId="5635" saleId="99999">

Add a logger which will print the received payload

Now add For Each activity

Where following parameters are passed

  • Collection – input payload which should be of type collection
  • Counter variable – counter which will hold the value of current loop
  • Batch Size – we can break the payload in our desired size in case we want to process more than 1 record in each loop
  • Root Message – will hold the actual input payload

In our case – will hold the collection

Add logger to print each payload

Run the application to see the results

First logger – will print the actual input payload

INFO  2021-12-29 12:10:12,090 [[MuleRuntime].uber.07: [foreach].foreachFlow.CPU_LITE @4af6527c] [processor: foreachFlow/processors/0; event: 2c52ff40-6872-11ec-a16b-00090faa0001] org.mule.runtime.core.internal.processor.LoggerMessageProcessor: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<item itemId="2121" sale="31123">
<item itemId="3202" saleId="11111">
<item itemId="5635" saleId="99999">
INFO  2021-12-29 12:10:12,103 [[MuleRuntime].uber.07: [foreach].foreachFlow.CPU_LITE @4af6527c] [processor: foreachFlow/processors/1/processors/0; event: 2c52ff40-6872-11ec-a16b-00090faa0001] org.mule.runtime.core.internal.processor.LoggerMessageProcessor: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<item itemId="2121" sale="31123">

For Each Logger (First iteration)

INFO  2021-12-29 12:10:12,103 [[MuleRuntime].uber.07: [foreach].foreachFlow.CPU_LITE @4af6527c] [processor: foreachFlow/processors/1/processors/0; event: 2c52ff40-6872-11ec-a16b-00090faa0001] org.mule.runtime.core.internal.processor.LoggerMessageProcessor: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<item itemId="2121" sale="31123">

For Each Logger (Second iteration)

INFO  2021-12-29 12:10:12,111 [[MuleRuntime].uber.07: [foreach].foreachFlow.CPU_LITE @4af6527c] [processor: foreachFlow/processors/1/processors/0; event: 2c52ff40-6872-11ec-a16b-00090faa0001] org.mule.runtime.core.internal.processor.LoggerMessageProcessor: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<item itemId="3202" saleId="11111">

For Each Logger (Third iteration)

INFO  2021-12-29 12:10:12,120 [[MuleRuntime].uber.07: [foreach].foreachFlow.CPU_LITE @4af6527c] [processor: foreachFlow/processors/1/processors/0; event: 2c52ff40-6872-11ec-a16b-00090faa0001] org.mule.runtime.core.internal.processor.LoggerMessageProcessor: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<item itemId="5635" saleId="99999">

Use the Transform message in For Each Scope to convert XML to json into the Anypoint Studio Console.

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