Categories: Data Structurepython

Implementation of Doubly Linked List in Python

In Doubly Linked List, We declare two pointers to store the location of the next Node and previous Node.

class DoublyLinkedListNode(object):
    def __init__(self,value):
        self.value = value
        self.next_node = None
        self.prev_node = None

Now that we have our node that can reference next and previous values, let’s begin to build out our linked list.

a = DoublyLinkedListNode(1)
b = DoublyLinkedListNode(2)
c = DoublyLinkedListNode(3)
Setting b after a
b.prev_node = a
a.next_node = b
Setting c after a
b.next_node = c
c.prev_node = b

Having a Doubly Linked list allows us to go though our Linked List forwards and backwards.


Understand Doubly Linked List Data Structure

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