Categories: Data Structurepython

Implementation of Singly Linked List in Python

In a singly linked list, we have an ordered list of items as individual Nodes that have pointers to other Nodes.

class Node(object):
    def __init__(self,value):
        self.value = value
        self.nextnode = None

Now we can build out Linked List with the collection of nodes:

a = Node(1)
b = Node(2)
c = Node(3)
a.nextnode = b
b.nextnode = c

In a Linked List the first node is called the head and the last node is called the tail. Let’s discuss the pros and cons of Linked Lists:

Pros 😍😘

  • Linked Lists have constant-time insertions and deletions in any position, in comparison, arrays require O(n) time to do the same thing.
  • Linked lists can continue to expand without having to specify their size ahead of time.

Cons 😒😣

  • To access an element in a linked list, you need to take O(k) time to go from the head of the list to the kth element. In contrast, arrays have constant time operations to access elements in an array.

Recommended: Understand The Singly Linked List and its Operation

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