Categories: python

Input and Output in Python

Two built-in functions in Python are used to perform input and output operations (OI Operations). The two built-in functions for performing output and input operations are listed below.

  • print() – This function is used to output data.
  • input() – This function is used to perform input operations.
Take Input from the User:

To perform input operations, Python includes the function input(). The input() function can be used both with and without a message.



where prompt is an optional string displayed on the string when taking input.


# Taking input from the user
name = input("Enter your Name: ")

print("Hello, " + name)


Enter your Name: Rabecca Fatima
Hello, Rabecca Fatima
<class 'str'>

By default, Python treats all input as a string. To convert it to another data type, we must explicitly convert the input. To convert an int or a float, for example, use the int() and float() methods, respectively.


# Taking input from the user
Roll = int(input("Enter your Roll: "))

print( Roll)


Enter your Roll: 20012
<class 'int'>
Output Operation using print() :

The built-in function print( ) is used to output the given data to the standard output device (Screen). When we use the print() function to display a message, the string can be enclosed in single or double quotations.

Note: the return value of print( ) function is None.


print(value(s), sep= ‘ ‘, end = ‘\n’, file=file, flush=flush)


  • value(s) : Any value, and as many as you like. Will be converted to a string before getting printed
  • sep=’separator’ : (Optional) Specify how to separate the objects, if there is more than one.Default :’ ‘
  • end=’end’: (Optional) Specify what to print at the end.Default : ‘\n’
  • file : (Optional) An object with a write method. Default :sys.stdout
  • flush : (Optional) A Boolean, specifying if the output is flushed (True) or buffered (False). Default: False
  • Returns: It returns output to the screen.


Roll = 102

print( "ROLL NUMBER :", Roll)


Using % Operator:

We can implement the ‘%’ operator. % values are replaced with zero or more element values. % formatting is similar to ‘printf’ formatting in the C programming language.

  • %d is an integer,
  • %f is a float,
  • %s is a string,
  • %x is hexadecimal.
  • %o stands for octal.


# Taking input from the user
num = int(input("Enter a value: "))

multi = num *11

# Output
print("The product is %d" %multi)


Enter a value: 9
The product is 99

Note: also read about Modules and Functions in Python

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