MUnit Features
MUnit framework is fully integrated with Maven as well as with AnyPoint Studio. MUnit is divided into two main sub-modules, one is called MUnit and the other MUnit Tools. Additionally, there are Utilities available for import such as a Database Server, FTP Server, or a Run and Wait Scope. Here is an overview of some of the different MUnit features that you can implement into your unit testing. Some of the major functionalities of MUnit framework are listed below:
- Create test cases manually or automatically using Test Recorder feature
- Mock Mule processors to test with mock data without hitting actual endpoint every time
- Spy any processor
- Verify processor calls
- Enable or ignore particular tests
- Generate coverage reports for the executed test cases
- Test: Creates a new test “flow” broken down into three sections: Execution, Behavior, and Validation. The behavior scope sets all the preconditions before executing the test logic. The execution scope contains the testing logic which will wait for all processes to finish before executing the next scope. The validation scope contains all the validations for the results of the execution scope.
- Set Event: Allows you to define a Mule Event. Usually used at the beginning of an MUnit test to define the first message to send to the flow being tested.
- Set null payload: Defines a null payload to test how your flow will handle a null value.
- After Suite: Runs after executing all of the MUnit tests and runs just once. For instance, let’s suppose you have an MUnit Test Suite File with four tests. The code inside an MUnit After Suite, runs just once, after all of your tests.
- After Test: Runs after executing an MUnit test. For instance, let’s suppose you have an MUnit Test Suite file with four tests. The code inside an MUnit After Test runs after each of your four tests; it runs four times.
- Before Suite: Runs before executing all of the MUnit tests and runs just once. For example, suppose you have an MUnit Test Suite file with four tests. The code inside an MUnit Before Suite runs just once, before all of your four tests.
- Before Test: Runs before executing an MUnit test. For instance, let’s suppose you have an MUnit Test Suite file with four tests. The code inside an MUnit Before test runs before each of your four tests; it runs four times.
- Assert That: Allows you to run assertions to validate the state of a Mule event, such as checking to see if a payload equals a certain value.
- Fail: Useful in validating that a test should fail if that point is reached in the flow. The processor throws a java.lang.AssertionError.
- Mock When: Use this processor to mock an event, such as sending a mock POST request with a mocked payload.
- Run Custom: Allows you to assert the Mule event content against a custom assertion.
- Verify Call: Allows you to verify if a processor was called.
- Spy: Allows you to see what happens before and after an event processor is called in your Flow. Usually, you will tell the Spy processor to run a set of instructions before and after the execution.
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