Operator overloading refers to providing meaning that extends beyond their predefined operational meaning. For example, the operator + can be used to add two integers, join two strings, or merge two lists. It is possible because the ‘+’ operator is overloaded by the int and str classes. Therefore, the different behavior of a single operator for different types of operands is called Operator Overloading.
print (114 + 32)
# Now, we will concatenate the two strings
print ("coding" + "is fun")
# We will check the product of two numbers
print (10 * 14)
# Here, we will try to repeat the String
print ("X Y Z " * 4)
codingis fun
How to overload the operators in Python?
If we have two objects that are physical representations of a class (user-defined data type) and we try to add them using the binary ‘+’ operator, the compiler throws an error because it doesn’t know how to add two objects. So we define a method for an operator, which is known as operator overloading. We can overload any existing operator, but not create a new one. Python provides some special function or magic function that is automatically invoked when it is associated with that particular operator to perform operator overloading. When we use the + operator, for example, the magic method add is automatically invoked, which defines the operation for the + operator.
How Does Operator Overloading Function?
When you change the behavior of an existing operator by overloading it, you must redefine the special function that is called automatically when the operator is used with objects.
For Example: adding two objects
class Code:
def __init__(self, X):
self.X = X
# adding two objects
def __add__(self, U):
return self.X + U.X
object_1 = Code( int( input( print ("Please enter the value: "))))
object_2 = Code( int( input( print ("Please enter the value: "))))
print (": ", object_1 + object_2)
object_3 = Code(str( input( print ("Please enter the value: "))))
object_4 = Code(str( input( print ("Please enter the value: "))))
print (": ", object_3 + object_4)
Please enter the value: 12
Please enter the value:
: 57
Please enter the value:
Please enter the value:
: 1932
For Example: Overloading comparison operator
class Code:
def __init__(self, X):
self.X = X
def __gt__(self, U):
if(self.X > U.X):
return True
return False
object_1 = Code(int( input( print ("Please enter the value: "))))
object_2 = Code(int (input( print("Please enter the value: "))))
if(object_1 > object_2):
print ("The object_1 is greater than object_2")
print ("The object_2 is greater than object_1")
Please enter the value:
Please enter the value:
The object_1 is greater than object_2
Python’s special functions are those that are used to perform specific tasks. As with the init() method, which is also a special function, these special functions have __ as a prefix and suffix to their names.
Operator | Magic Function |
+ | __add__(self, other) |
– | __sub__(self, other) |
* | __mul__(self, other) |
/ | __truediv__(self, other) |
// | __floordiv__(self, other) |
% | __mod__(self, other) |
** | __pow__(self, other) |
>> | __rshift__(self, other) |
<< | __lshift__(self, other) |
& | __and__(self, other) |
| | __or__(self, other) |
^ | __xor__(self, other) |
Operator | Magic Function |
< | __LT__(SELF, OTHER) |
> | __GT__(SELF, OTHER) |
<= | __LE__(SELF, OTHER) |
>= | __GE__(SELF, OTHER) |
== | __EQ__(SELF, OTHER) |
!= | __NE__(SELF, OTHER) |
Operator | Magic Function |
-= | __ISUB__(SELF, OTHER) |
+= | __IADD__(SELF, OTHER) |
*= | __IMUL__(SELF, OTHER) |
/= | __IDIV__(SELF, OTHER) |
%= | __IMOD__(SELF, OTHER) |
**= | __IPOW__(SELF, OTHER) |
>>= | __IRSHIFT__(SELF, OTHER) |
<<= | __ILSHIFT__(SELF, OTHER) |
&= | __IAND__(SELF, OTHER) |
|= | __IOR__(SELF, OTHER) |
^= | __IXOR__(SELF, OTHER) |
Operator | Magic Function |
– | __NEG__(SELF, OTHER) |
+ | __POS__(SELF, OTHER) |
class Code:
def __init__(self, c):
self.c = c
# Overloading ~ operator, but with two operands
def __invert__(self):
return "This is the ~ operator, overloaded as binary operator."
ob1 = Code(2)
This is the ~ operator, overloaded as binary operator.
Note: also read about Static Keyword in Python
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