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Python 2 vs. Python 3

Python is one of the programming languages that has boosted the world of technology to new heights. Python 2 and Python 3 were the two major versions of Python that were introduced to the world. Even though they are both different versions of the same programming language, there are significant differences between the two, and it would be fascinating to examine the differences between Python 2 and Python 3.

Python 3 has an extensive library and can be easily integrated with other languages. As a result, the need for both Python versions is easily understood. Finally, efforts were made to make Python 3 support many of the major functionalities that Python 2 provided, and Python 2 was decommissioned in 2020.

Important Differences between Python 2 and Python 3:
Basis of comparisonPython 3Python 2
Release Date20082000
Function printprint (“hello”)print “hello”
Division of IntegersWhenever two integers are divided, we get a float valueWhen two integers are divided, we always get an integer value.
UnicodeIn Python 3, the default storing of strings is Unicode.To store Unicode string values, it is required to define them with “u”.
SyntaxThe syntax is more straightforward and easily understandable.The syntax of Python 2 was comparatively difficult to understand.
Rules of ordering ComparisonsIn this version, the Rules of ordering comparisons have been simplified.Rules of ordering comparison are very complex.
IterationThe new Range() function was introduced to perform iterations.In Python 2, the xrange() is used for iterations.
ExceptionsIt should be enclosed in parentheses.It should be enclosed in notations.
Leak of variablesThe value of variables never changes.The value of the global variable will change while using it inside a for-loop.
Backward compatibilityNot difficult to port python 2 to python 3 but it is never reliable.Python version 3 is not backwardly compatible with Python 2.
LibraryMany recent developers are creating libraries that we can only use with Python 3.Many older libraries created for Python 2 are not forward-compatible.

Python 3

# print function
def main():
  print("Hello World!")

# Division of Integers
print 9/2
# output:4.5

# Error Handling
    # some statement that may cause error 
except SomeError as err: 
    print(err, "Error Occured")

Python 2

def main():
  print "Hello World!"

# Division of Integers
print 9/2
# output:4

# Error Handling
    # some statement that may cause error 
except SomeError, err: 
    print err, "Error Occured"
Which Python Version to Use?

Today, the Python 3 version is the clear winner when it comes to Python 2 vs Python 3 differences. Because Python 2 will not be available after 2020. The future points to widespread Python 3 adoption.

After considering the declining support for the Python 2 programming language and the added benefits of upgrading to Python 3, a new developer should always choose Python version 3. However, the only compelling reason to use this version is if a job requires Python 2 capabilities.

Note: also read about Python Installation

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