Categories: generalpython

10 Python Mini Projects for Beginners To Do

Python Mini Projects you should do to test your skills and knowledge and to learn to implement Python programming in solving real-life problems. So I have curated some Python Mini Projects for you.

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Python Mini Projects By FreeCodeCamp 👏👏

Scientific Computing with Python Projects – by FreeCodeCamp

  • Arithmetic Formatter

Create a function that receives a list of strings that are arithmetic problems and returns the problems arranged vertically and side-by-side.

You can access the full project description and starter code on

  • Time Calculator

Write a function named “add_time” that can add a duration to a start time and return the result.

You can access the full project description and starter code on

  • Budget App

Create a “Category” class that can be used to create different budget categories.

You can access the full project description and starter code on

  • Polygon Area calculator

In this project you will use object oriented programming to create a Rectangle class and a Square class. The Square class should be a subclass of Rectangle and inherit methods and attributes.

You can access the full project description and starter code on

  • Probability Calculator

Write a program to determine the approximate probability of drawing certain balls randomly from a hat.

You can access the full project description and starter code on

Some other Python Project Ideas 🤔🤔

  • Hangman Project
    • In this project, you need to implement a hangman game using python. This project only required random and time modules of Python, it doesn’t require any external module.
    • Source Code – Hangman Python Project
  • Rock Paper Scissor Game
    • It is a two-player game, you can implement the game rule using python.
  • Tic Tac Toe Game
    • This game is played between two players, in which players have to mark 3 consecutive ‘X‘ or ‘O‘ to win the game either vertically or horizontally.
    • Source Code: Python Tic Tac Toe Project
  • Calculator in Python
    • Develop a graphical user interface calculator using a library like Tkinter using which we build buttons to perform different operations and display results on the screen. You can further add functionalities for scientific calculations.
  • Currency Converter

Try to do projects as many as possible, it’ll boost your confidence in Python programming.

If you don’t know Python programming and thinking How to start learning Python Programming read this Blog –

Good Luck with your decision making let me know in the comment which project you choose in the end.

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