Categories: Java

Regular class vs static nested class

Comparison between a normal or regular class and a static nested class.

S.NONormal/Regular inner classStatic nested class
1.Without an outer class object existing, there cannot be an inner class object. That is, the inner class object is always associated with the outer class object.There may be a static nested class object if an outer class object does not exist. That is, the outer class object is not linked to the static nested class object.
2.Static members cannot be declared inside a normal/regular inner class.Static members can be declared inside a static nested class.
3.Regular inner classes cannot be invoked directly from the command prompt because the main() method cannot be declared.The static nested class can be invoked directly from the command prompt because the main() method can be declared.
4.Outer class members can be accessed directly, both static and non-static.A static member of the outer class is the only one that can be directly accessed.

Note: also read about the Nested Class in Java

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Rabecca Fatima

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