Categories: python

Relational & Logical Operators in Python

In Python, operators are specialized symbols that perform different computations. To create an expression, we combine operators and operands. Expressions are merely values’ representations. The fundamental building blocks of a program that define its functionality are relation and logic.

Relational operator:

Value comparisons are done using relational operators, also known as comparison operators. It responds to the condition by returning either True or False.

>Greater than: True if the left operand is greater than the rightx > y
<Less than: True if the left operand is less than the rightx < y
==Equal to: True if both operands are equalx == y
!=Not equal to – True if operands are not equalx != y
>=Greater than or equal to True if the left operand is greater than or equal to the rightx >= y
<=Less than or equal to True if the left operand is less than or equal to the rightx <= y
a = 9
b = 5

print(a < b)
print(a > b)
print(a == b)
print(a != b)
print(a >= b)
print(a <= b)
Logical Operators:

To decide on an expression, logical operators are mainly used. The following logical operators are supported by Python.

andIf both expressions are true, then the condition will be true. If a and b are the two expressionsa → true, b → true
then a and b → true.
orIf one of the expressions is true, then the condition will be true. If a and b are the two expressions,a → true, b → false => a or b → true.
notIf an expression a is true, then not (a) will be false and vice versa.a → true=> not a → false.
a = 5

print(2 < 3) and (2 < 5)
print(2 < 3) or (2 < 5)
print(not a)

Note: also read about Python Tuple

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