
AbstractSet in Java

AbstractSet is a Java Collection Framework class that implements the Collection interface and extends the AbstractCollection class. It implements the…

2 years ago

Treemap class in Java Collection Framework

Along with the AbstractMap Class, the TreeMap class in Java is used to implement the Map interface and NavigableMap. Depending…

3 years ago

Abstract class vs Concrete class

Following are the important differences between an abstract class and a concrete class. Sr. No.KeyAbstract ClassConcrete Class1Supported MethodsBoth abstract and…

3 years ago

Interface vs Abstract class

As we all know, abstraction refers to hiding the internal implementation of a feature and only giving the users the…

3 years ago

Interface in Java

In Java, an interface is a blueprint for a class. It has abstract methods and static constants. In Java, the…

3 years ago

Abstract Class & Method in Java

In Java, an abstract class is specified with the abstract keyword. Both abstract and non-abstract methods can be used (method…

3 years ago

Non-access modifiers

Non-access modifiers provide the JVM with information about a class, method, or variable's characteristics. In Java, there are seven different…

3 years ago