C++ Program

Accessing Elements of 2-D Array

Accessing Elements of a 2-D Array: The most basic type of multidimensional array in C++ is a two-dimensional array. One…

2 years ago

Program to Reverse an Array

When an array is reversed, the elements of the original array are changed in order. With this method, the first…

2 years ago

Program To find Average Of Array

In this program, we will learn about taking integer input from the user and storing it in the array. Then…

2 years ago

Program To Perform All Arithmetic Operations Using Functions

For two variables entered by the user, we must create separate functions for addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication. Program Code:…

2 years ago

Program to check Palindrome string

A string is said to be a palindrome if the reverse of the string is the same as the string.…

2 years ago

Find the Reverse of a Number

When a number is reversed, the digits are rearranged in reverse order, starting with the last digit, then the second-to-last…

2 years ago

Armstrong Number in C++

What is Armstrong Number? The Armstrong number is a number that is equal to the sum of its digits' cubes.…

2 years ago

Factorial of a given Number

What is Factorial of a number? The product of all positive descending integers is the factorial of n. n! represents…

2 years ago

Program to Find GCD

The largest number that divides two or more numbers is the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) for those numbers. For example:…

2 years ago

Find Fibonacci Series

The Fibonacci Series generates the next number by adding two preceding numbers. The Fibonacci sequence begins with two numbers, F0…

2 years ago