
Static Keyword in Python

Class or Static Variables: In Python, a variable declared within a class but outside any method is referred to as…

2 years ago

Python Class

As we discussed in the previous tutorial, a class is a virtual entity that can be thought of as an…

2 years ago

Object-Oriented Programming in Python

What Is Object-Oriented Programming? Alan Kay coined the term "Object-Oriented Programming" (OOP), also known as oops concepts in Python, in…

2 years ago

Inheritance in C++

Inheritance refers to a class's ability to derive properties and characteristics from another class. One of the most important aspects…

2 years ago

Mutable keyword in C++

Mutable data members are those whose values can be changed in runtime even if the object's type is constant. It…

2 years ago

static keyword in C++

When the static keyword is used, variable or data members or functions can no longer be changed. It is allocated…

2 years ago

Treemap class in Java Collection Framework

Along with the AbstractMap Class, the TreeMap class in Java is used to implement the Map interface and NavigableMap. Depending…

3 years ago

LinkedHashSet class in Java Collection Framework

The LinkedHashSet class is an ordered HashSet with a doubly-linked List across all entries. This class is used when the…

3 years ago

Java.util.Collections Class

The Java Collections Framework includes the Collections class in the Java.util.Collections package.  The static methods that work with collections or return…

3 years ago

Java.lang.ThreadGroup- class in Java

A group of threads is created by ThreadGroup class. It provides a practical method for controlling thread groups collectively. This…

3 years ago