A Binary Search Tree (BST) is a type of binary tree that satisfies the following properties: For any node in…
What is a Queue in DSA? A queue is a linear data structure that holds elements in a certain order. It accesses items using the FIFO (First In First Out) method.It can only be changed by adding data entities at one end or…
What is a Stack? A stack is an abstract data type that adheres to the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle in the…
What are pointers? Pointers are variables that are used to save the position of a value in memory. A memory…
What is Pattern Matching? Pattern matching is a fundamental problem in computer science that is employed in a wide range…
What is Searching? Searching is a fundamental process in computer science that is commonly used to locate certain items or…
There are various varieties of trees that are often used in the context of Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA). Here…
What is Tree Data Structure? A tree data structure is made up of nodes that are connected via edges. The…
Let us see a few problems based on Linked List. Given a linked list of N nodes such that it may contain…
What is a Linked List? A linked list is a linear data structure composed of nodes, each of which holds…