HashSet class

IdentityHashMap class in Java

The HashMap class is similar to the IdentityHashMap class. The IdentityHashMap implements the Map interface using Hashtable, and when comparing…

2 years ago

Hashtable class in Java Collection Framework

The Hashtable class creates a hash table by mapping keys to values. As a key or value, any non-null object…

3 years ago

HashMap class in Java Collection Framework

Since Java 1.2, HashMap<K, V> class has been part of the Java collection. This class can be found in java.util…

3 years ago

LinkedHashSet class in Java Collection Framework

The LinkedHashSet class is an ordered HashSet with a doubly-linked List across all entries. This class is used when the…

3 years ago

HashSet class in Java Collection Framework

The Java HashSet class is used to create a collection that stores data in a hash table. It derives from…

3 years ago