JAVA Programming language

Enums in Java

What are Enums in Java? In computer languages, enumerations are used to express a collection of named constants. For instance,…

3 years ago

Java Thread Class

The java.lang.Thread class is a thread of execution in a program. The Java Virtual Machine enables an application to run…

3 years ago

instanceof Operator in Java

The instanceof operator is used to determine whether or not a reference variable contains a specific type of object reference.…

3 years ago

Garbage Collection in Java

Garbage collection is the method through which Java programs maintain their memory automatically. working: Java programs are compiled into bytecode…

3 years ago

this keyword in Java

this is a Java keyword that refers to the current object of a class. Uses of this keyword: The following…

3 years ago

Inheritance in Java

In Java, inheritance is a mechanism by which one object inherits all of its parent's properties and behaviors. It is…

3 years ago

Access Modifiers in Java

Modifiers in Java are divided into two categories: access modifiers and non-access modifiers. The accessibility or scope of a field,…

3 years ago

Java object creation methods

Everything revolves around the object in Java, which is an object-oriented language. An object represents a class's runtime entity and…

3 years ago

Java Arrays

An array is a collection of variables of the same type that are referenced by a common name. Arrays consist…

3 years ago

More about loops

Multiple initialization and update Expression: A for loop may contain multiple initialization and/or multiple update expression. for(i=1,sum=0;i<=n;sum+=i,++i) System.out.println(i); Optional Expression:…

3 years ago