Given a string,determine if it is compressed of all unique characters. For example, the string ‘abcde’ has all unique characters and should return True. The string ‘aabcde’ contains duplicate characters and should return false.
We’ll see two possible solutions, one using a built-in data structure and a built in function, and another using a built-in data structure but using a look-up method to check if the characters are unique.
def uni_char(s): return len(set(s)) == len(s)
def uni_char2(s): chars = set() for let in s: # Check if in set if let in chars: return False else: #Add it to the set chars.add(let) return True
""" RUN THIS CELL TO TEST YOUR CODE """ from import assert_equal class TestUnique(object): def test(self, sol): assert_equal(sol(''), True) assert_equal(sol('goo'), False) assert_equal(sol('abcdefg'), True) print('ALL TEST CASES PASSED') # Run Tests t = TestUnique() t.test(uni_char)
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