XML Attribute Selector (.@myKey)

XML Attribute Selector (.@myKey)

.@myKey selects an attribute in an XML element.

Using .@ without the key name returns an object containing the attributes as key-value pairs.

This DataWeave example reads an XML sample into a variable and uses @ to select attributes from the XML.

DataWeave Script:

%dw 2.0

var myVar = read(‘<product id=”1″ type=”electronic”>


</product>’, ‘application/xml’)

output application/json


item: [


“type” : myVar.product.@.”type”,

“name” : myVar.product.brand,

“attributes”: myVar.product.@




Output JSON:


“item”: [


“type”: “electronic”,

“name”: “SomeBrand”,

“attributes”: {

“id”: “1”,

“type”: “electronic”





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