Given an integer array, output all the unique pairs that sum up to a specific value k.
So the input:
would return 2 pairs:
The O(N) algorithm uses the set data structure. We perform a linear pass from the beginning and for each element we check whether k-element is in the set of seen numbers. If it is, then we found a pair of sum k and add it to the output. If not, this element doesn’t belong to a pair yet, and we add it to the set of seen elements.
The algorithm is really simple once we figure out using a set. The complexity is O(N) because we do a single linear scan of the array, and for each element we just check whether the corresponding number to form a pair is in the set or add the current element to the set. Insert and find operations of a set are both average O(1), so the algorithm is O(N) in total.
def pair_sum(arr,k): if len(arr)<2: return # Sets for tracking seen = set() output = set() # For every number in array for num in arr: # Set target difference target = k-num # Add it to set if target hasn't been seen if target not in seen: seen.add(num) else: # Add a tuple with the corresponding pair output.add( (min(num,target), max(num,target)) ) # FOR TESTING return len(output) # Nice one-liner for printing output #return '\n'.join(map(str,list(output)))
""" RUN THIS CELL TO TEST YOUR SOLUTION """ from import assert_equal class TestPair(object): def test(self,sol): assert_equal(sol([1,9,2,8,3,7,4,6,5,5,13,14,11,13,-1],10),6) assert_equal(sol([1,2,3,1],3),1) assert_equal(sol([1,3,2,2],4),2) print('ALL TEST CASES PASSED') #Run tests t = TestPair() t.test(pair_sum)
Recommended: Understand Big-O Notation Complexity Of Algorithm
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