A thread can be created in one of two ways: By extending the Thread class By implementing Runnable interface. Implementing the runnable interface and overriding the run() method allows you to create threads. The start() method can then be called after creating a thread object. Thread class: Constructors and methods for starting and managing threads […]
July 1, 2022 | Java | No comments
The java.lang.Thread class is a thread of execution in a program. The Java Virtual Machine enables an application to run multiple execution threads simultaneously. The following are crucial details about Thread: Each thread is given a priority. Higher priority threads are prioritized for execution over lower-priority threads. Each thread could or might not be designated […]
June 30, 2022 | Java | No comments
In Java, a thread can be in any of the following states at any given time. A thread is only ever in one of the states depicted: New Runnable Blocked Waiting Timed Waiting Terminated Life cycle of a Thread diagram: The diagram shown below represents various states of a thread at any instant in time. […]
June 29, 2022 | Java | No comments
Java’s multithreading feature enables the concurrent execution of two or more program components for maximum CPU efficiency. A thread refers to each component of such a program. Thus, threads are quick processes contained within a process. Java multithreading has a few benefits. Because threads are independent, and you can run several operations simultaneously, the user […]
June 28, 2022 | Java | No comments
What are Chained Exceptions? One exception can be related to another using chained exceptions. We can use the chained exception mechanism in situations where we frequently need to throw a custom exception but want to retain the specifics of an original exception. Constructors Of Throwable class Which support chained exceptions in java : Throwable(Throwable cause): Where […]
June 27, 2022 | Java | No comments
Exception Handling with Method Overriding: Ambiguity arises when method overriding and exception handling are combined. Which definition should be followed confuses the compiler. Problem categories: It has two different kinds of issues, which are as follows: Problem 1: If The SuperClass doesn’t declare an exception Problem 2: If The SuperClass declares an exception If The […]
June 25, 2022 | Java | No comments
Because our own exceptions are derived classes of Exception, Java allows us to create them. A custom exception or user-defined exception is one we create on our own. Java custom exceptions are used to tailor the exception to user requirements. A User-Defined Exception, also known as a custom exception, is your own exception class that […]
June 24, 2022 | Java | No comments
The Java keywords for managing exceptions include throw, throws, and finally. throw keyword: To throw an exception explicitly in Java, use the throw keyword. The exception object that is to be thrown is specified. The notice that comes with the exception contains a description of the error. These anomalies could be caused by user inputs, […]
June 23, 2022 | Java | No comments
Nested try block in Java: Java allows the use of try blocks inside of other try blocks. The term “nested try block” describes it. The context of the exception is pushed onto the stack with each sentence we enter in a try block. For instance, the outer try block can handle the ArithemeticException whereas the […]
June 23, 2022 | Java | No comments
One or more catch blocks may come after a try block. A distinct exception handler must be present in each catch block. Use a Java multi-catch block, then, if you need to carry out multiple tasks when various exceptions arise. Syntax: Things to keep in mind: Only one catch block is run at a time, […]
June 23, 2022 | Java | No comments