Keep Coding Keep Cheering!

Implementation of a Hash Table in Python

The idea of a dictionary used as a hash table to get and retrieve items using keys is often referred to as a mapping. Python already has a built-in dictionary object that serves as a Hash Table.

December 19, 2020 | Algorithm, python | No comments

Implementation of Shell Sort in Python

The shell sort improves on the insertion sort by breaking the original list into a number of smaller sub-lists, each of which is sorted using an insertion sort.

December 19, 2020 | Algorithm, python | No comments

Implementation of Selection Sort in Python

The selection sort improves on the bubble sort by making only one exchange for every pass through the list.

December 17, 2020 | Algorithm, python | No comments

Implementation of Quick Sort in Python

A quick sort first selects a value, which is called the pivot value. Although there are many different ways to choose the pivot value, we will simply use the first item in the list.

December 15, 2020 | Algorithm, python | No comments

Implementation of Merge Sort in Python

Merge sort is a recursive algorithm that continually splits a list in half. If the list is empty or has one item, it is sorted by definition (the base case)

December 15, 2020 | Algorithm, python | No comments

Implementation of Insertion Sort in Python

Insertion Sort builds the final sorted array (or list) one item at a time.

December 15, 2020 | Algorithm, python | No comments

Implementation of a Bubble Sort in Python

The bubble sort makes multiple passes through a list. It compares adjacent items and exchanges those that are out of order. Each pass through the list places the next largest value in its proper place. In essence, each item “bubbles” up to the location where it belongs.

December 13, 2020 | Algorithm, python | No comments

Implementation of Binary Search in Python

Binary Search, also known as half-interval search, logarithmic search, or binary chop, is a search algorithm that finds the position of a target value within a sorted array. Binary search compares the target value to the middle element of the array.

November 21, 2020 | Algorithm, python | No comments

Coin Change Problem in Python

Given a target amount n and a list (array) of distinct coin values, what’s the fewest coins needed to make the change amount.

November 18, 2020 | Algorithm, python | No comments

Fibonnaci Sequence in Python

Implement a Fibonnaci Sequence in three different ways:

Dynamically (Using Memoization to store results)

November 18, 2020 | Algorithm, python | No comments
