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Chained Exceptions

java thread class
What are Chained Exceptions?

One exception can be related to another using chained exceptions. We can use the chained exception mechanism in situations where we frequently need to throw a custom exception but want to retain the specifics of an original exception.

Constructors Of Throwable class Which support chained exceptions in java :

  • Throwable(Throwable cause): Where cause is the exception that causes the current exception.
  • Throwable(String msg, Throwable cause): where msg is the message for the current exception and cause is the exception that caused it.

Methods Of Throwable class Which support chained exceptions in java :

  • getCause(): This method provides the precise cause of an exception.
  • initCause(Throwable cause): method establishes the calling exception’s cause.

public class ExceptionHandling
	public static void main(String[] args)
			// Creating an exception
			NumberFormatException ex =
					new NumberFormatException("Exception");

			// Setting a cause of the exception
			ex.initCause(new NullPointerException(
					"Coderzpy set the cause of the exception"));

			// Throwing an exception with cause.
			throw ex;

		catch(NumberFormatException ex)
			// displaying the exception

			// Getting the actual cause of the exception
java.lang.NumberFormatException: Exception
java.lang.NullPointerException: Coderzpy set the cause of the exception

Note: also read about the Interface vs Abstract class

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