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Custom Metadata Selector (.^myCustomMetadata)

Custom Metadata Selector (.^myCustomMetadata)

Returns the value of custom metadata. Metadata can be associated with any value by using the as operator.

The following example uses userName.^myCustomMetadata to return the value of custom metadata that is defined as a variable (named userName) in the header of the script as a DataWeave script. For comparison, the example also returns the value of userName.

DataWeave Script:

%dw 2.0

output application/json

var userName = “DataWeave” as String {myCustomMetadata: “customMetadataValue”}


  “valueOfVariableMetaData” :  userName.^myCustomMetadata,

  “valueOfVariable” :  userName,


The output of the script is “customMetadataValue” for the value of the custom metadata and “DataWeave” for value of the userName variable.

Output JSON:


  “valueOfVariableMetaData”: “customMetadataValue”,

  “valueOfVariable”: “DataWeave”


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