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Find Intersection of Two Singly Linked Lists

DSA Sheet

Problem Statement (Asked By Google)

You are given two singly linked lists that intersect at some node. Your task is to find and return the first intersecting node.

  • The linked lists are non-cyclical.
  • Nodes with the same value in both lists represent the exact same node object.



A = 3 -> 7 -> 8 -> 10  
B = 99 -> 1 -> 8 -> 10


Node with value 8


  • The two lists merge at node 8, so the function should return this node.


  • The solution must run in O(M + N) time, where M and N are the lengths of the two lists.
  • The algorithm should use constant space (O(1) extra space).

Problem link:

Disclaimer: Try solving the problem on your own first! Use this solution only as a reference to learn and improve.

Brute Force Approach: Using HashSet (O(M + N) Time, O(Max(M, N)) Space)

Step-by-Step Explanation

  1. Store All Nodes of One List in a HashSet
    • Traverse the first list and store each node reference in a HashSet.
  2. Check for Intersection in the Second List
    • Traverse the second list and check if any node exists in the HashSet.
    • The first matching node is the intersection.
  3. Why This Works?
    • Since nodes are compared by reference, we can efficiently find the intersection.

Java Code (Brute Force with HashSet)

import java.util.HashSet;

class ListNode {
    int val;
    ListNode next;

    ListNode(int val) {
        this.val = val; = null;

public class IntersectionLinkedList {
    public static ListNode getIntersectionNode(ListNode headA, ListNode headB) {
        HashSet<ListNode> visited = new HashSet<>();

        // Store all nodes of list A in the HashSet
        while (headA != null) {
            headA =;

        // Traverse list B and check if any node is already in the HashSet
        while (headB != null) {
            if (visited.contains(headB)) {
                return headB; // Found the intersection node
            headB =;

        return null; // No intersection found

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ListNode common = new ListNode(8); = new ListNode(10);

        ListNode headA = new ListNode(3); = new ListNode(6); = common;

        ListNode headB = new ListNode(5); = common;

        ListNode intersection = getIntersectionNode(headA, headB);
        System.out.println(intersection != null ? "Intersection at: " + intersection.val : "No Intersection");

Time and Space Complexity (Brute Force)

  • Time Complexity: O(M+N) (traverse both lists once).
  • Space Complexity: O(max(M,N)) (store nodes in HashSet).

Optimized Approach: Two Pointers (O(M + N) Time, O(1) Space)

Step-by-Step Explanation

  1. Find the Length of Both Lists
    • Compute the length M and N of both linked lists.
  2. Align the Pointers
    • Move the pointer of the longer list forward by |M – N| steps.
  3. Traverse Both Lists Together
    • Move both pointers one step at a time.
    • The first common node is the intersection.

Java Code (Optimized O(1) Space Solution)

public class IntersectionLinkedListOptimized {
    public static ListNode getIntersectionNode(ListNode headA, ListNode headB) {
        int lengthA = getLength(headA);
        int lengthB = getLength(headB);

        // Align the starting positions
        while (lengthA > lengthB) {
            headA =;
        while (lengthB > lengthA) {
            headB =;

        // Traverse both lists together to find intersection
        while (headA != headB) {
            headA =;
            headB =;

        return headA; // Either the intersection node or null

    private static int getLength(ListNode head) {
        int length = 0;
        while (head != null) {
            head =;
        return length;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ListNode common = new ListNode(8); = new ListNode(10);

        ListNode headA = new ListNode(3); = new ListNode(6); = common;

        ListNode headB = new ListNode(5); = common;

        ListNode intersection = getIntersectionNode(headA, headB);
        System.out.println(intersection != null ? "Intersection at: " + intersection.val : "No Intersection");

Time and Space Complexity (Optimized)

  • Time Complexity: O(M+N) (traverse both lists once).
  • Space Complexity: O(1) (constant extra space).

Comparison of Both Approaches

ApproachTime ComplexitySpace ComplexityExplanation
Brute Force (HashSet)O(M+N)O(max⁡(M,N))Uses extra space to store visited nodes.
Optimized (Two Pointers)O(M+N)O(1)Uses length difference to align pointers efficiently.

Final Thoughts

  • Use the HashSet approach when space isn’t a constraint but you want a quick solution.
  • Use the Two Pointers approach for an optimized O(1) space solution.
  • Both solutions run in linear time O(M+N). 🚀

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