The Float class is a wrapper class for the primitive type float. It contains several methods for dealing with float values effectively, such as converting them to string representations and vice versa. A Float object can only hold one float value.
Constructor of float wrapper class:
There are mainly two constructors to initialize a Float object-
public Float(Float d)
public Float(String s) throws NumberFormatException
Methods of Float wrapper class:
Methods | Description |
int compareTo(Float b) | – Returns zero if the invoked Float object is the same as the value of b. – Returns a positive value if the invoked Float object is greater than or equal to b. – Returns a negative value if the invoked Float object is less than or equal to b. |
boolean equals(Object ob) | Returns true if the invoked Float object has the same value as ob, otherwise false. |
static float parseFloat(String s) | If String s can be converted to a valid float value, it returns a primitive float value. |
static Float valueOf(Float b) | After converting a primitive float value, b, to a Float object. |
static Float valueOf(String s) | Returns a Float object after converting it from a String s. |
short shortValue() | Returns a primitive short value after converting a Float object to it. |
byte byteValue() | Returns a primitive byte value after converting a Float object to it. |
int intValue() | Returns a primitive int value after converting a Float object to it. |
long longValue() | Converts a Float object to a primitive long value and returns it. |
float floatValue() | Returns a primitive float value after converting a Float object to it. |
double doubleValue() | Returns a primitive double value after converting a Float object to it. |
boolean isFinite() | If the argument is a finite floating-point value, isFinite() returns the Boolean value ‘true’. |
boolean isInfinite() | If this float value or the specified number has an infinitely large magnitude, this function returns the Boolean value ‘true.’ |
Example: Converting Byte object’s value to any numeric primitive type
import java.util.*;
class Coderz
public static void main(String []args)
Float f = new Float(45.0); //Converting an int value argumet to wrapper Float object
System.out.println("Value in wrapped object f : "+ f);
byte b = f.byteValue(); //Returns a primitive byte value out of a wrapped Float object
short s= f.shortValue(); //Returns a primitive short value out of a wrapped Float object
int i = f.intValue(); //Returns a primitive int value out of a wrapped Float object
long l = f.longValue(); //Returns a primitive long value out of a wrapped Float object
float ff = f.floatValue(); //Returns a primitive float value out of a wrapped Float object
double d = f.doubleValue(); //Returns a primitive double value out of a wrapped Float object
System.out.println("byte value of Float object f : " + b);
System.out.println("short value of Float object f : " + s);
System.out.println("int value of Float object f : " + i);
System.out.println("long value of Float object f : " + l);
System.out.println("float value of Float object f : " + ff);
System.out.println("double value of Float object f : "+ d);
Value in wrapped object f : 45.0
byte value of Float object f : 45
short value of Float object f : 45
int value of Float object f : 45
long value of Float object f : 45
float value of Float object f : 45.0
double value of Float object f : 45.0
Example: comparing two Float objects values
class Coderz
public static void main(String []args)
Float f1 = new Float("10.5"); //Constructor accepting String value
Float f2 = new Float(10.5); //Constructor accepting primitive float value
System.out.println("Value in b1 = "+f1);
System.out.println("Value in b2 = "+f2);
System.out.println("Invoking "+f1 +"to compare with"+ f2+" : "+ f1.compareTo(f2));
Float f3 = new Float("20.5");
Float f4 = new Float(15.5);
System.out.println("Value in "+f3 +"= "+f3);
System.out.println("Value in "+f4 +"= "+f4);
System.out.println("Invoking "+f3 +"to compare with"+ f4 +": "+ f3.compareTo(f4));
System.out.println("Invoking "+f4 +"to compare with"+ f3 +": "+ f4.compareTo(f3));
Value in b1 = 10.5
Value in b2 = 10.5
Invoking 10.5 to compare with10.5 : 0
Value in 20.5= 20.5
Value in 15.5= 15.5
Invoking 20.5 to compare with15.5: 1
Invoking 15.5 to compare with20.5: -1
Exception when converting a String to a Float object:
class Coderz
public static void main(String []args)
Float b1 = new Float("100t"); //Passing a String value that cannot be convered to a Float object.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "100t"
at java.base/jdk.internal.math.FloatingDecimal.readJavaFormatString( java.base/jdk.internal.math.FloatingDecimal.parseFloat(
at java.base/java.lang.Float.parseFloat(
at java.base/java.lang.Float.<init>(
at Coderz.main(
When we pass a String value to the constructor of the Float class or its method parseFloat() that is not a legal float value or is out-of-range, a NumberFormatException is thrown.
Note: also read about the Short class in Java
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