Operator precedence determines the order in which the operators in an expression are evaluated.
Associativity rules determine the grouping of operands and operators in an expression with more than one operator of the same precedence.
Operators | Precedence | Associativity |
postfix increment and decrement | ++ -- | left to right |
prefix increment and decrement, and unary | ++ -- + - ~ ! | right to left |
multiplicative | * / % | left to right |
additive | + - | left to right |
shift | << >> >>> | left to right |
relational | < > <= >= instanceof | left to right |
equality | == != | left to right |
bitwise AND | & | left to right |
bitwise exclusive OR | ^ | left to right |
bitwise inclusive OR | | | left to right |
logical AND | && | left to right |
logical OR | || | left to right |
ternary | ? : | right to left |
assignment | = += -= *= /= %= &= ^= |= <<= >>= >>>= | right to left |
Note: also read about the Operators in JAVA
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