Keep Coding Keep Cheering!

Reverse a String in Python

This interview question requires you to reverse a string using recursion. Make sure to think of the base case here.

November 7, 2020 | Algorithm, Data Structure, python | No comments

Introduction to Recursion

The first is when recursion is used as a technique in which a function makes one or more calls to itself. The second is when a data structure uses smaller instances of the exact same type of data structure when it represents itself. Both of these instances are use cases of recursion.

November 2, 2020 | Algorithm | No comments

Implement a Queue Using Two Stacks in Python

Given the Stack class below, implement a Queue class using two stacks

October 21, 2020 | Data Structure, python | No comments

Balanced Parentheses Check in Python

Given a string of opening and closing parentheses, check whether it’s balanced. We have 3 types of parentheses: round brackets: (), square brackets: [], and curly brackets: {}.

October 12, 2020 | Algorithm, Data Structure, python | No comments

Unique Characters in String using Python

Given a string,determine if it is compressed of all unique characters. For example, the string ‘abcde’ has all unique characters and should return True.

October 11, 2020 | Algorithm, python | No comments

String Compression in Python

Given a string in the form ‘AAAABBBBCCCCCDDEEEE’ compress it to become ‘A4B4C5D2E4’. For this problem, you can falsely “compress” strings of single or double letters.

October 9, 2020 | Algorithm, python | No comments

Largest Continuous Sum in Python

Given an array of integers (positive and negative) find the largest continuous sum.

October 2, 2020 | Algorithm, Data Structure, python | No comments

Find the Missing Element in Python

Consider an array of non-negative integers. A second array is formed by shuffling the elements of the first array and deleting a random element. Given these two arrays, find which element is missing in the second array.

September 28, 2020 | Algorithm, Data Structure, python | No comments

Array Pair Sum in Python

Given an integer array, output all the unique pairs that sum up to a specific value k.

September 26, 2020 | python | No comments

Sentence or String Reversal in Python

Given a string of words, reverse all the words. For example:

September 25, 2020 | python | No comments
