Categories: python

Python Installation

Python Installation on Windows involves the following steps to set up the Python environment on a Windows system:

  • Go to
  • Download the latest release for Python 3.x for 32-bit or 64-bit depending upon your PC.
  • Open Installer and follow these steps:

Run Executable Installer:

Run the installer. Make sure to check both of the checkboxes at the bottom before clicking Install New.

On clicking Install Now, The installation process starts.

The installation will take a few minutes to complete, and once completed, the following screen will be displayed.

  • Verify Python is installed on Windows:
    • Start the command prompt.
    • Type ‘python’ and enter.
    • If you have successfully installed Python on your Windows, the version you have installed will be displayed.
  • Pip is a powerful package management system for Python software packages. Thus, make sure that you have it installed. Follow the given steps, to verify if pip was installed −
    • Open the command prompt.
    • Enter pip –V to check if pip was installed.
    • The following output appears if pip is installed successfully.

Note: also read about Introduction – Python programming language

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