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splitBy Examples in DataWeave 2.0


This example uses several regular expressions to split input strings. The first uses \/^*.b./\ to split the string by -b-. The second uses /\s/ to split by a space. The third example returns the original input string in an array ([ "no match"]) because the regex /^s/ (for matching the first character if it is s) does not match the first character in the input string ("no match"). The fourth, which uses /^n../, matches the first characters in "no match", so it returns [ "", "match"]. The last removes all numbers and capital letters from a string, leaving each of the lower case letters in the array. Notice that the separator is omitted from the output.

%dw 2.0
output application/json
{ "splitters" : {
   "split1" : "a-b-c" splitBy(/^*.b./),
   "split2" : "hello world" splitBy(/\s/),
   "split3" : "no match" splitBy(/^s/),
   "split4" : "no match" splitBy(/^n../),
   "split5" : "a1b2c3d4A1B2C3D" splitBy(/^*[0-9A-Z]/)

  "splitters": {
    "split1": [
    "split2": [
    "split3": [
      "no match"
    "split4": [
    "split5": [


The first example (splitter1) uses a hyphen (-) in "a-b-c" to split the string. The second uses an empty string ("") to split each character (including the blank space) in the string. The third example splits based on a comma (,) in the input string. The last example does not split the input because the function is case sensitive, so the upper case NO does not match the lower case no in the input string. Notice that the separator is omitted from the output.

%dw 2.0
output application/json
{ "splitters" : {
    "split1" : "a-b-c" splitBy("-"),
    "split2" : "hello world" splitBy(""),
    "split3" : "first,middle,last" splitBy(","),
    "split4" : "no split" splitBy("NO")

  "splitters": {
    "split1": [
    "split2": [
      " ",
    "split3": [
    "split4": [
      "no split"

"Manish Kumar"

Dataweave 2.0 Expression

%dw 2.0
output application/java
payload splitBy(" ")

[Manish, Kumar]

plitBy(text: Null, separator: Any)

Helper function that enables splitBy to work with a null value.

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