Table of Python String Methods.
Function Name | Description |
capitalize() | The string’s first character is changed to an uppercase (capital) letter. |
casefold() | Implements caseless string matching |
center() | Add the requested character to the string as padding. |
count() | Returns the number of occurrences of a substring in the string. |
encode() | Encodes strings with the specified encoding scheme |
endswith() | Returns “True” if a string ends with the given suffix |
expandtabs() | Specifies the amount of space to be substituted with the “\t” symbol in the string |
find() | Returns the lowest index of the substring if it is found |
format() | Formats the string for printing it to console |
format_map() | Formats specified values in a string using a dictionary |
index() | Returns the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string |
isalnum() | Checks whether all the characters in a given string are alphanumeric or not |
isalpha() | Returns “True” if all characters in the string are alphabet |
isdecimal() | Returns true if all characters in a string are decimal |
isdigit() | Returns “True” if all characters in the string are digits |
isidentifier() | Check whether a string is a valid identifier or not |
islower() | Checks if all characters in the string are lowercase |
isnumeric() | Returns “True” if all characters in the string are numeric characters |
isprintable() | Returns “True” if all characters in the string are printable or the string is empty |
isspace() | Returns “True” if all characters in the string are whitespace characters |
istitle() | Returns “True” if the string is a title cased string |
isupper() | Checks if all characters in the string are uppercase |
join() | Returns a concatenated String |
ljust() | Left aligns the string according to the width specified |
lower() | Converts all uppercase characters in a string into lowercase |
lstrip() | Returns the string with leading characters removed |
maketrans() | Returns a translation table |
partition() | Splits the string at the first occurrence of the separator |
replace() | Replaces all occurrences of a substring with another substring |
rfind() | Returns the highest index of the substring |
rindex() | Returns the highest index of the substring inside the string |
rjust() | Right aligns the string according to the width specified |
rpartition() | Split the given string into three parts |
rsplit() | Split the string from the right by the specified separator |
rstrip() | Removes trailing characters |
splitlines() | Split the lines at line boundaries |
startswith() | Returns “True” if a string starts with the given prefix |
strip() | Returns the string with both leading and trailing characters |
swapcase() | Converts all uppercase characters to lowercase and vice versa |
title() | Convert string to title case |
translate() | Modify string according to given translation mappings |
upper() | Converts all lowercase characters in a string into uppercase |
zfill() | Returns a copy of the string with ‘0’ characters padded to the left side of the string |
Note: also read about String Functions in Python
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