There are 5 types of Inheritance in C++: Single inheritance Multiple inheritance Hierarchical inheritance Multilevel inheritance Hybrid inheritance Single Inheritance: A class derives from only one base class in single inheritance. This means that there is only one subclass descended from a single superclass. Syntax: Example: Output: Multiple inheritance: Multiple inheritance is a type of […]
October 23, 2022 | C++ | No comments
Inheritance refers to a class’s ability to derive properties and characteristics from another class. One of the most important aspects of Object-Oriented Programming is inheritance. This also allows: Code reusability Quick implementation time Runtime polymorphism In inheritance, there are two kinds of classes: A parent class, also known as a base class, is a class whose […]
October 21, 2022 | C++ | No comments
A pointer to a C++ class is created in the same way that a pointer to a structure is created, and to access members of a class pointer, use the member access operator ->. To better understand the concept of a pointer to a class, consider the following example: Example: Output: Pointer to Data Members […]
October 20, 2022 | C++ | No comments
A copy constructor is a type of constructor that creates a copy of another object. If we want one object to resemble another, we can use a copy constructor. If no copy constructor is written in the program, the compiler will supply its own copy constructor.The copy constructor is used to − Initialize one object […]
October 19, 2022 | C++ | No comments
C++ references allow you to give a variable a second name that you can use to read or modify the original data stored in that variable. Once a reference has been initialized with a variable, it can be referred to using either the variable name or the reference name. For instance, A variable can be […]
October 18, 2022 | C++ | No comments
Mutable data members are those whose values can be changed in runtime even if the object’s type is constant. It is the polar opposite of constant. It is sometimes necessary to modify one or more data members of a class or struct using a const function, even if you do not want the function to […]
October 16, 2022 | C++ | No comments
Const keyword define constant values that cannot change while the program is running. A const variable must be assigned a value when it is declared. If we try to change its value after it has been initialized, we will get a compilation error. Use of const keyword with different parameters: Variables Pointers Function arguments and […]
October 16, 2022 | C++ | No comments
Constructor: A constructor is a special member function of a class and shares the same name as of class, which means the constructor and class have the same name. The compiler calls the constructor whenever a class object is created; it allocates memory to the object and initializes class data members with default values or […]
October 13, 2022 | C++ | No comments
What is Function Overloading & why is it used? Function overloading is an object-oriented programming feature in which two or more functions have the same name but different parameters.The function overloading feature in C++ is used to improve code readability. It is used to save the programmer from having to remember multiple function names. Function […]
October 12, 2022 | C++ | No comments
Now, let’s look at some of the special member functions that can be defined in C++ classes. The following are the various types of Member functions: Simple functions Static functions Const functions Inline functions Friend functions Simple Member functions: These are the basic member function, which doesn’t have any special keyword like static etc. as […]
October 9, 2022 | C++ | No comments