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Working with Objects

Objects (dw::core::Objects)

This module contains helper functions to work with Objects.

It processes both keys and values as a tuple.

To use this module, you must import it to your DataWeave code, for example, by adding the line import * from dw::core::Objects to the header of your DataWeave script.

We will start with a brief review of filterObject, used to remove key-value pairs from an Object based on some criteria much like filter is used in Arrays.

We’ll then discuss mapObject, which is used to transform every key-value pair into something else.

We’ll also go over pluck, a function that goes from Objects to Arrays and is very useful when combined with the groupBy function we learned on the previous tutorial.


divideByBreaks up an object into sub-objects that contain the specified number of key-value pairs.
entrySetReturns an array of key-value pairs that describe the key, value, and any attributes in the input object.
everyEntryReturns true if every entry in the object matches the condition.
keySetReturns an array of key names from an object.
mergeWithAppends any key-value pairs from a source object to a target object.
nameSetReturns an array of keys from an object.
someEntryReturns true if at least one entry in the object matches the specified condition.
takeWhileSelects key-value pairs from the object while the condition is met.
valueSetReturns an array of the values from key-value pairs in an object.

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