Programs written in Java are compiled into Java Byte code, which is then interpreted by a special Java Interpreter for a specific platform. Actually, this Java interpreter is known as the Java Virtual Machine(JVM). The machine language for the Java Virtual Machine is called Java byte code. The Java interpreter, when run on any machine, […]
April 17, 2022 | Java | No comments
Byte Code: The Java byte code is a machine instruction for a Java processor chip called Java Virtual Machine. The byte code is independent of the computer system it has to run, i.e, Java programs are compiled, and their byte codes are produced. The byte codes are always the same irrespective of the computer system […]
April 15, 2022 | Java | No comments
In Java, you can set the CLASSPATH variable. CLASSPATH: Application ClassLoader uses CLASSPATH as an environment variable to locate and load .class files. The CLASSPATH specifies the location of third-party and user-defined classes that are not extensions or components of the Java platform. When setting the CLASSPATH, make sure to include all directories that contain […]
April 14, 2022 | Java | No comments
There were numerous characteristics that contributed to the final form of this outstanding language. The major features of Java programming: Object-Oriented: Everything in Java is an Object. Because it is based on the object model, Java can be easily extended. Simple: Java was created with the goal of being simple to learn. It should be simple to master if you understand the fundamental concepts of OOP Java. Secure: Java’s secure feature enables the creation of virus-free and tamper-proof systems. Public-key encryption is used in authentication techniques. Platform-independent: Unlike many other programming languages, such as C and C++, […]
April 14, 2022 | Java | No comments
Introduction to Java programming language In 1995, James Gosling founded Sun Microsystems Inc, which was later acquired by Oracle Corporation. It’s a straightforward programming language. Java makes programming easy to write, compile, and debug. It aids in the development of reusable code and modular programs. Java is a class-based, object-oriented programming language with a focus […]
April 12, 2022 | Java | No comments
A Matrix Multiplication program is provided below. Only when the number of columns in the first matrix equals the number of rows in the second matrix can two matrices with the same order be multiplied. Output: Note: also read about the Miscellaneous Program(Remove Duplicate Elements) Follow Me If you like my post please follow me to read […]
April 10, 2022 | C | No comments
When an array contains the same number of elements in both sorted and unsorted order, the elements of the array are referred to as duplicate elements. And we must remove duplicate elements or elements with the same number from an array in order for the resultant array to contain only unique elements. There is an […]
April 10, 2022 | C | No comments
A simple program to reverse an array is provided below. Output: here, we have reversed the input array and printed it. Note: also read about the Miscellaneous Program(exponential without using pow() method) Follow Me If you like my post please follow me to read my latest post on programming and technology.
April 9, 2022 | C | No comments
Without using the pow() method, here is a program to find exponential. Long long int is twice as big as long int. The format specifier for long long int is % lld. Output: input is 2 and 3. input is 12. Note: also read about the Miscellaneous Program(Armstrong Number) Follow Me If you like my post please […]
April 8, 2022 | C | No comments
An Armstrong number is an n-digit number whose sum of digits raised to the nth power equals the number itself. Take, for example, the Armstrong number 153, which is a three-digit number; 1^3 + 5^3 + 3^3 equals 1 + 125 + 27, which equals 153. A program to find Armstrong numbers between 1 and 500 […]
April 8, 2022 | C | No comments